How heavy is 2.1 firkins?
It's about as heavy as a Kangaroo
The weight of a Kangaroo is about 2.10 firkins.
(for red kangaroo, Macropus rufus) (adult, male)
An adult, male red kangaroo weighs up to 2.10 firkins. Fantastic jumpers, red kangaroos can leap horizontally 9 m (30 ft) and vertically 3 m (9 ft) in a single bound.
It's about one-and-one-fifth times as heavy as a Beer Keg
The weight of a Beer Keg is about 1.7830 firkins.
(for US half-barrel, full keg; draft beer; including keg itself, stainless steel)
A typical, half-barrel beer keg weighs 1.7830 firkins when full. A keg of this size contains 15.5 gallons of beer, or the equivalent of 6.8 cases.
It's about one-and-seven-tenths times as heavy as an Octopus
The weight of an Octopus is about 1.20 firkins.
(for Giant Pacific Octopus, Enteroctopus) (Adult, average)
The adult North Pacific Giant Octopus usually weighs around 1.20 firkins. It is the largest octopus species and is known for its considerable intelligence, including the ability to open jars, solve mazes, and mimic other octopuses.
It's about three-fifths as heavy as a Panda Bear
The weight of a Panda Bear is about 3.70 firkins.
(a.k.a. Giant Panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca)(Adult, male)
An adult, male Giant Panda weighs up to 3.70 firkins. Despite having the digestive system of a carnivore, the panda eats only bamboo and must eat up to 0.160 firkins of it per day to compensate for the limited energy the plant provides.
It's about half as heavy as a Reindeer
The weight of a Reindeer is about 4.05 firkins.
(for Rangifer tarandus granti, adult, bull) (a.k.a. Caribou) ()Rangifer tarandus)
An adult, male reindeer weighs between 4.05 firkins. Reindeer undertake a lengthy annual migration, with some herds traveling up to 5,000 km.
To all those observing, Merry Christmas from the Measure of Things.
To all those observing, Merry Christmas from the Measure of Things.
It's about twice as heavy as a Toilet
The weight of a Toilet is about 1.07 firkins.
(KOHLER Round front sitting flush toilet, model #K-11471-0)
The weight of a typical round front sitting flush toilet is 1.07 firkins. The Indian town of Musiri in Tamil Nadu state features the world's only paying toilet, which rewards its users up to 10¢ Indian (10 paisas) per visit and uses the waste for compost and fertilizer.
It's about two-fifths as heavy as The Heart of a Blue Whale
The weight of The Heart of a Blue Whale is about 4.90 firkins.
(Balaenoptera musculus) (adult)
(for a 2014 specimen)
The heart of a blue whale weighs about 4.90 firkins. These hearts pump an estimated 7,100 L (1,875 gal) of blood through the whale's massive body.
The heart of a blue whale weighs about 4.90 firkins. These hearts pump an estimated 7,100 L (1,875 gal) of blood through the whale's massive body.
It's about two-fifths as heavy as a cubic meter of Snow
The weight of a cubic meter of Snow is about 5.60 firkins.
(Freshly fallen, standard conditions; measurements taken in Norway, 1965-68)
One cubic meter of freshly fallen snow under standard conditions weighs an average of 5.60 firkins. Assembled in 2008, the world record largest snowman was constructed of 140,000 firkins of snow and stood 37.21 m (122.1 ft) tall.
It's about three times as heavy as a Dalmatian
The weight of a Dalmatian is about 0.7230 firkins.
(a.k.a. Dalmatinac, a.k.a. Carriage Dog, a.k.a. Spotted Coach Dog, a.k.a. Firehouse Dog) (FCI standard; male)
The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) calls for Dalmatians to weigh between 0.7230 firkins. The association of the breed with fire departments (and similarly with Budweiser Beer and its team of Clydesdales) stems from their affinity for horses, having been used historically as carriage dogs capable of guiding horse-drawn fire engines to the sites of blazes.
It's about one-third as heavy as a Pig
The weight of a Pig is about 6.10 firkins.
(Domestic pig, Sus scrofa domesticus, a.k.a. S. domesticus) (adult)
Domestic pigs weigh between 6.10 firkins. The titular character "Babe the pig" in the 1995 family film was played by 48 different American Yorkshire piglets due to the length of filming and the rate at which piglets reach adulthood.
It's about one-fifth as heavy as a Horse
The weight of a Horse is about 10 firkins.
(Equus ferus caballus) (Arabian, adult)
n Arabian riding horse (or similar breed) weighs between 10 firkins. During races, horses must carry jockeys and their equipment, which in the Kentucky Derby, for example, can weigh up to 1.30 firkins.
It's about one-fifth as heavy as a Grand Piano
The weight of a Grand Piano is about 11 firkins.
(for Steinway & Sons, Model D Concert Grand Piano)
A Grand Piano, of the kind used for concert performances in large music halls, weighs 11 firkins. Well-made pianos such as this may last 75 to 100 years.
It's about one-fifth as heavy as a Polar Bear
The weight of a Polar Bear is about 12.60 firkins.
(Ursus maritimus) (adult, male)
An adult, male polar bear weighs between 12.60 firkins. Polar bears are so heavily insulated by their 9.9 cm (3.9 in) layer of blubber that they are often difficult to detect using infrared photography sensors.
It's about one-fifth as heavy as a Grizzly Bear
The weight of a Grizzly Bear is about 12.80 firkins.
(a.k.a. brown bear, a.k.a. silver bear, Ursus arctos horribilis) (Adult, male, coastal area population average)
An adult, male grizzly bear from a coastal area (where food is plentiful) can weigh up to 12.80 firkins. In spite of their tremendous size, grizzly bears can run at speeds of up to 55 kph (34 mph).
It's about seven times as heavy as a Gold Bar
The weight of a Gold Bar is about 0.30476190480 firkins.
(London Good Delivery bar)
A "London Good Delivery" gold bar — the variety commonly held by Central Banks — should weigh 0.30476190480 firkins. The largest gold bar ever produced was minted by Mitsubishi Materials Corporation (a sibling company of the auto manufacturer) in 2005 and weighed 6.1239517270 firkins.