How heavy is 24,900 pounds?
It's about as heavy as an Anchor of a Cruise Ship
The weight of an Anchor of a Cruise Ship is about 24,900 pounds.
(for QE2 forward anchor, a.k.a. RMS Queen Elizabeth 2)
Each of the forward anchors of the RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 weighs 24,900 pounds. The anchor of the QE2 now sits in front of the Holyrood Church in Southampton, England, United Kingdom, along a pedestrian tourist route known as "the QE2 mile."
It's about one-and-three-tenths times as heavy as a Tyrannosaurus rex
The weight of a Tyrannosaurus rex is about 19,400 pounds.
(for FMNH PR 2081, a.k.a. "Sue") (a.k.a. Tyrannosaurus, a.k.a. T-Rex) (estimated live weight)
The notable Tyrannosaurus specimen housed at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois, "Sue," is estimated to have weighed about 19,400 pounds while alive. A renowned predator in popular culture, the teeth of tyrannosaurus rex were up to 33.02 cm (13 in) long.
It's about one-and-nine-tenths times as heavy as an Elephant
The weight of an Elephant is about 13,000 pounds.
(for African bush elephant, Loxodonta africana) (Adult, bull)
A bull African bush elephant weighs about 13,000 pounds. Among African elephants, both males and females have tusks (whereas female Asian elephants, Elephas maximus, do not have tusks) which can grow to 3 m (10 ft) and typically weigh about 8,800 pounds
It's about three times as heavy as a Hippopotamus
The weight of a Hippopotamus is about 8,400 pounds.
(Hippopotamus amphibius) (adult, male)
The average weight of an adult male hippopotamus ranges from 8,300 pounds. Appearances to the contrary, adult hippos cannot swim or float in water; they actually move by leaping and walking across lake bottoms at about 8 kph (5 mph).
It's about four times as heavy as The Tongue of a Blue Whale
The weight of The Tongue of a Blue Whale is about 6,000 pounds.
(Balaenoptera musculus) (adult)
The tongue of a Blue Whale can weigh up to 6,000 pounds. Despite their tremendous size, blue whales feed almost exclusively on tiny crustaceans called krill and cannot swallow anything much larger than a beach ball.
It's about five-and-a-half times as heavy as a Rhinoceros
The weight of a Rhinoceros is about 4,600 pounds.
(for Black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis) (Adult, male)
An adult black rhinoceros weighs between 4,600 pounds. Rhinoceros are extremely aggressive — nearly one of every two males will die as a result of fighting with other rhinoceros.
It's about six times as heavy as a Giraffe
The weight of a Giraffe is about 4,250 pounds.
(Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) (adult, male, maximum of range)
An adult, male giraffe can weigh up to 4,250 pounds. Reaching 5.5 m (18 ft) in height by adulthood, giraffe calves can grow as much as 3 cm (1 in) per day.
It's about one-fifth as heavy as The Space Shuttle
The weight of The Space Shuttle is about 160,000 pounds.
(for Endeavour, a.k.a. OV-105, a.k.a. Orbiter Vehicle-105) (empty weight, excluding main engines)
When empty, the space shuttle Endeavour weighs 160,000 pounds. The shuttle's spacious cargo bay carried the Chandra X-ray Observatory into orbit in 1999 — a payload that weighed 44,000 pounds.
It's about seven times as heavy as a Car
The weight of a Car is about 3,642 pounds.
(for 2009 Ford Taurus) (curb weight)
A 2009 Ford Taurus weighs 3,642 pounds. The first mass-produced car, the Curved Dash Oldsmobile — introduced in 1901 — weighed just 851 pounds.
It's about one-tenth as heavy as a Blue Whale
The weight of a Blue Whale is about 230,000 pounds.
(Balaenoptera musculus)
Blue whales weigh between 230,000 pounds. The largest mammal to have ever lived, blue whales feed almost exclusively on krill — tiny invertebrates weighing about 0.0022 pounds each.
It's about one-tenth as heavy as The Statue of Liberty (without base)

The weight of The Statue of Liberty (without base) is about 310,000 pounds.
(a.k.a. Liberty Enlightening the World, a.k.a. La Liberté éclairant le monde) (total weight, including foundation)
The total weight of the Statue of Liberty — the Statue's copper and framework only, excluding the base — is roughly 310,000 pounds. The statue was designed using an optical trick known as "forced perspective" to make the statue appear proportionally correct when viewed from its base and is, in actuality, disproportionately large at the top.
It's about one-fifteenth as heavy as a House
The weight of a House is about 344,000 pounds.
(149 sq. m, single-level, unfurnished)
A 149 sq. m (1,600 sq. ft), single-story, unfurnished house (without extensive masonry) of the type commonly found in America would weigh approximately 344,000 pounds, based on the weight of the included materials. In contrast, a yurt — a type of dwelling structure popular among nomadic peoples of East Asia — typically weighs less than 1,010 pounds.
It's about seventeen times as heavy as a Cow
The weight of a Cow is about 1,500 pounds.
(for Holstein, a.k.a. Holstein Friesian, a.k.a. Friesian, Bos primigenius) (adult, heifer)
A mature Holstein cow (the well-known black-and-white, spotted breed of cow) typically weighs 1,500 pounds. President William Howard Taft (1909 - 1913) kept a Holstein cow named Pauline Wayne on the White House grounds — a gift from a Wisconsin senator and the source of the First Family's milk.
It's about twenty times as heavy as a Grizzly Bear
The weight of a Grizzly Bear is about 1,150 pounds.
(a.k.a. brown bear, a.k.a. silver bear, Ursus arctos horribilis) (Adult, male, coastal area population average)
An adult, male grizzly bear from a coastal area (where food is plentiful) can weigh up to 1,150 pounds. In spite of their tremendous size, grizzly bears can run at speeds of up to 55 kph (34 mph).
It's about twenty times as heavy as a Polar Bear
The weight of a Polar Bear is about 1,140 pounds.
(Ursus maritimus) (adult, male)
An adult, male polar bear weighs between 1,140 pounds. Polar bears are so heavily insulated by their 9.9 cm (3.9 in) layer of blubber that they are often difficult to detect using infrared photography sensors.