How heavy is 230.47 firkins?
It's about 1,000 times as heavy as a Dachshund
The weight of a Dachshund is about 0.20 firkins.
(a.k.a. "Wiener dog", a.k.a. Teckel, a.k.a. Dackel, a.k.a. "hot dog dog", a.k.a. "sausage dog", a.k.a. "doxie") (FCI standard; standard size)
The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) calls for dachshunds to weigh about 0.20 firkins. Despite of their small size, a 2008 survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania named dachshunds as the most aggressive dog breed.
It's about one-one-thousandth as heavy as The Eiffel Tower

The weight of The Eiffel Tower is about 247,000 firkins.
(a.k.a. La Tour Eiffel) (Paris, France) (total weight)
The Eiffel Tower weighs approximately 247,000 firkins. Architected to be quickly assembled, the Tower contains only 930 cu. meters of solid material.
It's about 1,500 times as heavy as a Bowling Ball
The weight of a Bowling Ball is about 0.1666666670 firkins.
(most common selection among male bowlers)
With an allowable range of 0.1222222220 firkins, the most-preferred bowling ball weight among adult, male bowlers is 0.1666666670 firkins. Because regulation balls measure the same diameter irrespective of their weight, ball density varies by size and balls weighing less than about 0.1224790350 firkins will float in water.
It's about one-one-thousand-five-hundredth as heavy as The Brooklyn Bridge

The weight of The Brooklyn Bridge is about 326,300 firkins.
(a.k.a. New York and Brooklyn Bridge) (Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York City, New York) (total weight)
The total weight of the Brooklyn Bridge is approximately 326,300 firkins. In a promotional event to prove the bridge's stability shortly after it opened, entertainer P. T. Barnum led a parade of 21 elephants across it in May of 1884.
It's about 2,000 times as heavy as a Gallon of Paint
The weight of a Gallon of Paint is about 0.10 firkins.
(excluding container; average weight)
A gallon of paint weighs about 0.10 firkins. Every day, 10,000,000 L (3,000,000 gal) of paint are applied in the United States.
It's about 2,000 times as heavy as a Cat
The weight of a Cat is about 0.10 firkins.
(Felis catus) (Domestic; healthy weight)
The average domestic cat should weigh about 0.10 firkins. Cats are known for their righting reflex, which allows them to land on their feet and survive falls from heights of 1 m up to about 21 m.
It's about one-two-thousand-five-hundredth as heavy as The Statue of Liberty

The weight of The Statue of Liberty is about 603,000 firkins.
(a.k.a. Liberty Enlightening the World, a.k.a. La Liberté éclairant le monde) (total weight, including foundation)
The total weight of the Statue of Liberty, including her base is roughly 603,000 firkins. The statue was designed using an optical trick known as "forced perspective" to make the statue appear proportionally correct when viewed from its base and is, in actuality, disproportionately large at the top.
It's about 3,000 times as heavy as a Brick
The weight of a Brick is about 0.071 firkins.
(Standard, traditional face brick - 1,900 cu. cm (120 cu. in))
A standard, traditional face brick weighs an average of 0.071 firkins. The steeple of the Church of St. Martin in Landshut, Germany is said to be the tallest brick tower in the world at a height of 130.6 m (428.5 ft) and was constructed using an estimated 650,000 bricks.
It's about 4,000 times as heavy as a Chihuahua
The weight of a Chihuahua is about 0.0551 firkins.
(a.k.a. Chihuahue(o) (FCI standard)
The F&d&ration Cynologique Internationale (FCI) calls for Chihuahuas to weigh about 0.0551 firkins. Relative to their body sizes, Chihuahuas have the largest brain size of any dog breed.
It's about 7,000 times as heavy as a Human Brain
The weight of a Human Brain is about 0.0331 firkins.
The average weight of an adult human brain is between 0.0331 firkins. In humans and primates, sight and vision utilize about 30 different parts of the brain which together account for about half of the brain's size.
It's about 9,500 times as heavy as a liter of Water
The weight of a liter of Water is about 0.02449649 firkins.
(fresh; 4° C / 39.2° F; maximum density)
Contrary to popular belief, 1 liter (0.0.264172052358148 gal) of water at 4° C / 39.2° F (its point of maximum density) weighs 0.02449649 firkins rather than 1 kg exactly. The total volume of water on the planet Earth is about
13,590,000,000,000,000,000 (13.59 quntillion) L (3,590,000,000,000,000,000 gallons).
It's about one-fifteen-thousandth as heavy as The CN Tower

The weight of The CN Tower is about 2,888,300 firkins.
(a.k.a. La Tour CN, a.k.a. Canadian National Tower, a.k.a. Canada's National Tower) (Toronto, Canada)
The CN Tower weighs approximately 2,888,300 firkins. The Tower is home to the world's highest glass floor — a viewing area that allows visitors to look straight down 342 m (1,120 ft) to the ground below.
It's about 15,000 times as heavy as a Basketball
The weight of a Basketball is about 0.015277777778 firkins.
(NBA official ball standards, Size 7)
A regulation NBA basketball, manufactured by Spalding, is known as a Size 7 ball and weighs 0.015277777778 firkins. These balls have 4,118 pebbles each with a diameter of 2.5 mm
It's about one-twenty-thousandth as heavy as The Sears Tower

The weight of The Sears Tower is about 4,943,000 firkins.
(officially "Willis Tower" as of 2009) (Chicago, Illinois)
The Willis Tower weighs approximately 4,943,000 firkins. The outer wall surface of the Tower is covered with black anodized aluminum panels which would total 110,000 sq. m (28 acres) if laid out together.
It's about 20,000 times as heavy as a Football (Soccer Ball)
The weight of a Football (Soccer Ball) is about 0.011 firkins.
(a.k.a. Soccer, a.k.a. Association Football) (FIFA Law 2 specification)
According to FIFA's Law of the Game number 2, a football must weigh between 0.01 firkins and 0.011 firkins. An artifact on display at the Smith Art Gallery and Museum in Stirling, Scotland is said to be the world's oldest football and is about one-third to one-half the size of a modern football.