How long is 1.6 hours?
It's about one-and-one-tenth times as long as a Football match (Soccer game)
The length of a Football match (Soccer game) is about 1.50 hours.
(a.k.a. Association Football, a.k.a. soccer) (per FIFA rules; playing time only)
Per Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Laws of the Game, an association football game consists of two periods of 0.750 hours each, for a total of 1.50 hours of playing time (except in games played by women, or by players under 16 or over 35 years of age). The longest recorded amateur football game was a 2009 match in the Filipino town of Barotac Nuevo that lasted for 35 hours.
It's about one-and-three-fifths times as long as an American football game
The length of an American football game is about 1 hours.
(per NFL rules; playing time only)
Per National Football League Rules, an American football game consists of four periods of 0.250 hours each for a total of 1 hour. The total duration of a football game can often be more than three hours, including stoppages of play, the intermission at halftime, team timeouts, and, in televised games, commercial timeouts. The Super Bowl — the highest-profile game of the sport — aired 0.750 hours of commercials in 2009.
It's about two times as long as a Basketball game
The length of a Basketball game is about 0.80 hours.
(NBA regulation; playing time only)
Per National Basketball Association rules , a basketball game (without an overtime) consists of four periods of 0.20 hours each, for a total of 0.80 hours of playing time. The first basketball game, played in a Springfield Massachusetts YMCA, was played in 0.50 hours and ended with a score of 1-0.
It's about two-fifths as long as Gone with the Wind (film)
The length of Gone with the Wind (film) is about 3.780 hours.
Gone with the Wind, the multiple Academy Award-winning film, had a running time of 3.770 hours for its 1939 copyright release. The scene depicting the burning of the Atlanta Depot cost $25,000 (unadjusted) and was filmed on a 0.16 sq. km (40-acre) set using all seven Technicolor cameras in existence at the time.
It's about one-fourth as long as The First Indianapolis 500

The length of The First Indianapolis 500 is about 6.70220 hours.
(a.k.a. Indy 500, a.k.a. International 500-Mile Sweepstakes Race) (1911) (Indianapolis, Indiana)
The first recorded automobile race of its distance, the inaugural Indianapolis 500 was won by Ray Harroun in 6.70220 hours. Haroun's average speed through the race was 120 kph (74.59 mph).
It's about one-fifth as long as The Longest Pro Baseball Game
The length of The Longest Pro Baseball Game is about 8.420 hours.
(1981) (McCoy Stadium, Pawtucket, Rhode Island)
The longest professional baseball game in history — a triple-A game between the Pawtucket Red Sox and the Rochester Red Wings — took place between April 18th and 19th, 1981 lasting a total of 8.40 hours (and 33 innings). The Red Sox ultimately won the game 3-2, but not before the game set twelve records, including the most plate appearances by a single player - a three-way tie between Tom Eaton, Dallas Williams, and future Hall-of-Famer Cal Ripken Jr., all of Rochester.
It's about six times as long as Louis-Antoine's reign
The length of Louis-Antoine's reign is about 0.30 hours.
(a.k.a. Louis-Antoine d'Artois, petit-fils de France, fils de France, duc d'Angoulême, a.k.a. Count of Marnes) (1830)
Following his father, Charles X's, abdication on the eve of the 1830 French Revolution, Louis-Antoine d'Artois was technically king for a period of approximately 0.30 hours on August 2nd, 1830. Louis-Antoine's only official act as king was to abdicate the throne to his nephew, the Henri, the Duke of Bordeaux.
It's about eight times as long as The First spacewalk
The length of The First spacewalk is about 0.20 hours.
(1965) (Alexi Lenovo, a.k.a. Алексе́й Архи́пович Лео́нов)
On March 18th, 1965, during the Voskhod 2 Soviet space mission, cosmonaut Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov conducted the first human spacewalk, which lasted 0.20 hours. The total mission length was 26 hours.
It's about one-tenth as long as The First light bulb test (Edison, 1879)
The length of The First light bulb test (Edison, 1879) is about 14.50 hours.
(Thomas Edison's filament Thread No. 9) (1879) (total time)
Lit at 1:30am on October 22nd, 1879, the first Edison completed his first majorly successful test of his light bulb, which continued to burn for 14.5 hours until the bulb glass succumbed to the heat and cracked, extinguishing the filament. Within 26,300 hours of his success, Edison was selling 45,000 light bulbs per day to large companies across the country.
It's about one-tenth as long as The First Transatlantic Flight (Alcock and Brown, 1919)
The length of The First Transatlantic Flight (Alcock and Brown, 1919) is about 16.20 hours.
(John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown) (1919) (first non-stop flight)
In an effort to win a £10,000 prize from London's The Daily Mail, John Alcock and Arthur Brown completed a flight from St. John's, Newfoundland to Connemara, Ireland in 16.20 hours in June, 1919. In spite of their fame as aviators, Brown would never fly again after this trip and Alcock would lose his life during a flight to France less than 4,380 hours later.
It's about one-twentieth as long as The Battle of Fort Sumter

The length of The Battle of Fort Sumter is about 33 hours.
The first battle of the American Civil War, the Battle of Fort Sumter began with the shelling of the Fort at 4:30 am on April 12th, 1861 and concluded with the surrender of the Fort by its Commander Robert Anderson at about 1:30pm on April 13th, 33 hours later. The Battle's only casualties were the accidental shootings of two Union soldiers during the surrender ceremony.
It's about one-thirty-fifth as long as The Great Chicago Fire

The length of The Great Chicago Fire is about 60 hours.
(1871) (Chicago, Illinois)
It's about one-seventieth as long as The Voyage of the Titanic
The length of The Voyage of the Titanic is about 110.30 hours.
(a.k.a. RMS Titanic) (1912) (from Southampton, Hampshire, England to near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland)
110.30 hours into its maiden voyage, the RMS Titanic had completely sunk after colliding with an iceberg. The sinking was one of the deadliest maritime disasters in peacetime history, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 passengers and crew.
It's about 100 times as long as The San Francisco earthquake of 1906

The length of The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 is about 0.0146 hours.
(1906) (Mussel Rock Fault, California) (sensible duration)
The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 caused perceptible shaking of the ground for about 0.0146 hours. The most devastating natural disaster in California's history, the quake was felt as far away and southern Oregon and western Nevada, and resulted in about 3,000 deaths, the displacement of 55% - 70% of the city's population, and the shifting of some spots of ground by up to 6 m (20 ft).
It's about one-one-hundredth as long as The Apollo 11 Mission
The length of The Apollo 11 Mission is about 195.310 hours.
(1969) (total mission length)
The first trip by humans to the surface of the Moon, the Apollo 11 Mission began with the launch of the spacecraft from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on July 16th, 1969 and concluded with the return of the command module on July 24th, 1969 — a total mission time of 195.310 hours. The total time spent by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin on the Moon's surface was 2.611110 hours.