How big is 165,760,000 square kilometers?
It's about one-and-one-tenth times as big as The Land area of Earth
The size of The Land area of Earth is about 148,940,000 square kilometers.
The Earth has a land area of 148,940,000 sq. km. Only an estimated one-eighth of this area — or 18,618,000 sq. km — is inhabitable by humans, with uninhabitable terrain such as deserts and high mountains covering the rest.
It's about sixteen-and-a-half times as big as Canada
The size of Canada is about 9,984,670 square kilometers.
Canada measures 9,984,670 sq. km in total area. It is both the second-largest country in the world and one of the most-sparsely populated, in addition to having the longest coastline of any country in the world — 243,000 km (151,000 mi).
It's about seventeen times as big as United States
The size of United States is about 9,826,675 square kilometers.
(a.k.a. United States of America, a.k.a. America, a.k.a. USA, a.k.a. US)
The third or fourth largest country in the world (there is some dispute in how China's total area is measured), the United States measures 9,826,675 sq. km in total area. The United States is the third-most populous country in the world, home to over 300 million people.
It's about seventeen-and-a-half times as big as China
The size of China is about 9,596,961 square kilometers.
(a.k.a. People's Republic of China, a.k.a. 中华人民共和国, a.k.a.中華人民共和國 , a.k.a. Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghég) (UN mainland area figure)
Mainland China, as measured by the United Nations (excluding China's Special Administrative Regions — Hong Kong and Macau — and disputed territories such as Taiwan, Askai Chin, and the Trans-Karakoram Tract), occupies 9,596,961 sq. km in total area . China is the the most populous country in the world and the third or fourth largest (depending on areas included in the measurement) in total area.
It's about nineteen-and-a-half times as big as Brazil
The size of Brazil is about 8,514,877 square kilometers.
(a.k.a. Brasil, formally the Federative Republic of Brazil, a.k.a. Rep&blica Federativa do Brasil)
Brazil measures 8,514,877 sq. km in total area. Brazil is the world's fifth-largest country by area and eighth-largest economy (by GDP).
It's about 95 times as big as Alaska

The size of Alaska is about 1,717,854.30 square kilometers.
(United States)
The "Last Frontier," Alaska measures 1,717,854.3 sq. km in total area. Alaska is home to over 100,000 glaciers — half of the world's total — including the Bering Glacier complex near the southeastern border of Alaska, which covers 5,830 sq. km.
It's about 250 times as big as Texas

The size of Texas is about 695,621.130 square kilometers.
(United States)
The "Lone Star State," Texas measures 695,621.13 sq. km in total area. Texas covers so much area that Texarkana — a city in the state's northeastern corner — is about 30 km closer to Chicago, Illinois, than it is to El Paso — in the western corner of Texas.
It's about 400 times as big as California

The size of California is about 423,969.580 square kilometers.
(United States)
The "Golden State," California measures 423,969.58 sq. km in total area. California is home to both the highest point — Mt. Whitney at 4,421 m (14,505 ft) — and lowest point — Death Valley at 85.5 m (282 ft) below sea level — in the continental United States, the two of which are separated by just 123 km (76 mi).
It's about 450 times as big as Montana

The size of Montana is about 380,838.07 square kilometers.
(United States)
The "Treasure State," Montana measures 380,838.07 sq. km in total area. The northwest corner of Montana is home to Flathead Lake, the largest freshwater lake in the continental United States with a surface area of 496 sq. km.
It's about 500 times as big as The Great Barrier Reef

The size of The Great Barrier Reef is about 348,000 square kilometers.
(a.k.a. Barrier Reef) (Coral Sea, off Queensland, Australia) (approximate)
The Great Barrier Reef, the largest such reef in the world, covers about 348,000 sq. km. Reefs, such as the Great Barrier, grow in diameter at a rate of 1 to 3 cm per year.
It's about 650 times as big as Michigan

The size of Michigan is about 250,493.60 square kilometers.
(United States)
The "Great Lakes State," Michigan measures 250,493.6 sq. m in total area. According to some studies, there is no point in Michigan that is more than 9.66 km (6 mi) from a lake or 136.79 km (85 mi) from a Great Lake.
It's about 750 times as big as Minnesota

The size of Minnesota is about 225,170.60 square kilometers.
(United States)
The "North Star State," Minnesota measures 225,170.6 sq. km in total area. Due to an error in the map used while writing the Treaty of Paris, a 1,544.5 sq. km (596.3 sq. mi) segment of Minnesota called the "Northwest Angle" lies north of the 49th parallel, which marks the border between the contiguous United States and Canada across the western remainder of the two countries.
It's about 800 times as big as Kansas
The size of Kansas is about 213,096 square kilometers.
(United States)
The "Sunflower State," Kansas measures 213,096.0 sq. km in total area. The point said to be the geographic center of the continental United States is located near Lebanon, Kansas.
It's about 950 times as big as Florida

The size of Florida is about 170,303.60 square kilometers.
(United States)
The "Sunshine State," Florida measures 170,303.6 sq. km in total area. Florida has 1,067 km (663 mi) of oceanfront beaches and 1,926.38 km (1,197 mi) of coastline total.
It's about 1,000 times as big as New York

The size of New York is about 141,299.40 square kilometers.
(United States)
The "Empire State," New York measures 141,299.4 sq. km in total area. Adirondack Park, a 24,700 sq. km area in the northeast region of the state, is the largest state-protected area in the contiguous United States.