How much is 12?
It's about four-fifths the number of Living Kings and Queens
The count of Living Kings and Queens is about 15.
(2015 figures) (distinct Monarchs)
It's about one-and-one-third times the number of Symphonies Composed by Beethoven
The count of Symphonies Composed by Beethoven is about 9.
(a.k.a. Ludwig van Beethoven)
Over the course of his life, Beethoven composed nine symphonies over the course of a twenty-four year period. After his death in early 1827, an estimated Austrian citizens attended his public funeral.
It's about two-fifths the number of Countries in the European Union
The count of Countries in the European Union is about 27.
(a.k.a. EU) (2016 figures)
There are 27 member countries in the European Union, the latest member of which is Croatia. The EU is largely urban, with over twenty cities having a population of one million or more, and 75% of the population living in an urban area.
It's about three times the number of Living U.S. Presidents

The count of Living U.S. Presidents is about 4.
(a.k.a. Presidents of the United States; a.k.a. Presidents of the United States of America; a.k.a. POTUS), (2016 figures) (including current)
It's about one-fourth the number of Teeth in a Great White Shark's Mouth
The count of Teeth in a Great White Shark's Mouth is about 48.
(Carcharodon carcharias) (average; including developing rows)
It's about one-fifth the number of Countries in Africa
The count of Countries in Africa is about 56.
(2016 figures) (sovereign states recognized by the UN only)
The continent of Africa includes 56 sovereign countries recognized by the United Nations as of 2020. It is the second-most populous continent in the world, with 1.3 billion inhabitants.List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories_in_Africa
It's about six times the number of Escalators in the State of Wyoming

The count of Escalators in the State of Wyoming is about 2.
(2013 figures)
There are only two escalators in the State of Wyoming (although there are apparently plenty of elevators). It is speculated that the lack of escalators is due to the older age of the buildings and the abundance of cheap land resulting in single-story structures. At the time the last count of escalators was made, the state had a population of just 576,000 people.
It's about one-tenth the number of Wolves in Yellowstone National Park

The count of Wolves in Yellowstone National Park is about 104.
(a.k.a. Henihco'oo; a.k.a. Héetíhco'oo) (December 2014 figures; Wyoming Park area)
It's about one-tenth the number of Elements on the Periodic Table
The count of Elements on the Periodic Table is about 118.
(a.k.a. Periodic Table of the Elements, a.k.a chemical elements) (confirmed elements as of 2016)
From element number one, hydrogen, to element one-hundred eighteen, ununoctium, there are 118 confirmed elements on the Periodic Table. Ninety-four of the elements exist in nature, and the remaining twenty-four have only been synthesized in labs (not having occurred naturally in the time since scientists have begun researching them)
It's about one-tenth the number of Union Stations in the United States

The count of Union Stations in the United States is about 135.
(a.k.a. Union Terminal; a.k.a. Joint Station; a.k.a. Union Depot) (2016 figures)
It's about one-tenth the number of Moons in our Solar System
The count of Moons in our Solar System is about 146.
(2015 figures) (confirmed moons only; dwarf planet satellites not included)
It's about one-fifteenth the number of John Wayne films
The count of John Wayne films is about 178.
(a.k.a. "Duke", a.k.a. JW, a.k.a. Marion Mitchell Morrison, a.k.a. Marion Robert Morrison, a.k.a. Duke Morrison) (films starring the actor in any size role)
It's about one-fifteenth the number of Bones in the Human Body
The count of Bones in the Human Body is about 206.
(adult, excluding sesamoid bones and ossicles)