How much is 248?
It's about one-fortieth the number of Written Characters in the Chinese Language
The count of Written Characters in the Chinese Language is about 9,353.
(zhōngwén, 中文) (Hànzì, 汉字/漢字; Shuowen Jiezi count; distinct characters)
According to the Han Dynasty dictionary, Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字), there are 9,353 distinct Han characters used to depict the Chinese language. Fluency in written Chinese requires mastery of 4,000 - 5,000 of these characters.
It's about 60 times the number of Living U.S. Presidents

The count of Living U.S. Presidents is about 4.
(a.k.a. Presidents of the United States; a.k.a. Presidents of the United States of America; a.k.a. POTUS), (2016 figures) (including current)
It's about 100 times the number of Escalators in the State of Wyoming

The count of Escalators in the State of Wyoming is about 2.
(2013 figures)
There are only two escalators in the State of Wyoming (although there are apparently plenty of elevators). It is speculated that the lack of escalators is due to the older age of the buildings and the abundance of cheap land resulting in single-story structures. At the time the last count of escalators was made, the state had a population of just 576,000 people.
It's about one-one-hundred-fiftieth the number of McDonald's Locations in the World
The count of McDonald's Locations in the World is about 36,000.
(2015 figures) (approximate)
Operating in 119 countries, there are currently 36,000 McDonald's locations worldwide. From 1955 thru 1993, many McDonald's locations advertised the number in billions of hamburgers sold on their external signs, but abandoned theses updates after the figure passed 100 billion.
It's about one-one-hundred-fiftieth the number of Seats in Fenway Park

The count of Seats in Fenway Park is about 37,071.
(2013 figures; daytime capacity) (a.k.a. The Cathedral of Boston) (Boston, Massachusetts)
Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox baseball team, can accommodate 37,071 spectators when configured for daytime seating. Fenway Park holds the record for most consecutive sellout games, with a streak of 794 sellouts that ended in 2013. This figure is a dramatic turnaround from the attendance in 1965, which was at times as low as just 500 people.
It's about one-two-hundredth the number of Seats in The Colosseum

The count of Seats in The Colosseum is about 50,000.
(a.k.a. The Coliseum, a.k.a. Flavian Amphitheatre, a.k.a. Amphitheatrum Flavium, a.k.a. Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseo) (Rome) (estimated)
Built between 70 and 80 AD, The Colosseum was a central attraction of Rome, capable of seating 50,000 spectators for various events including plays, war reenactments, and gladiatorial matches. The structure was estimated to require 100,000 cu. m of stone to construct. It remains the largest amphitheater in the world.
It's about one-two-hundredth the number of Seats in New Yankee Stadium

The count of Seats in New Yankee Stadium is about 50,287.
(2014 figures for 2009 Stadium; seating figures only) (a.k.a. Yankee Stadium, a.k.a. The Stadium, a.k.a. The House that George Built) (South Bronx, New York City, New York)
It's about one-three-hundred-fiftieth the number of Seats in Lambeau Field

The count of Seats in Lambeau Field is about 80,735.
(2014 figures) (a.k.a. City Stadium, a.k.a. New City Stadium, a.k.a. Titletown USA, a.k.a. The Frozen Tundra, a.k.a. The Shrine of Pro Football) (Green Bay, Wisconsin)
Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers NFL team, can accommodate 80,735 spectators. With 58 years of occupancy by the Packers, Lambeau Field holds the record as the longest consecutive home of any NFL team.
It's about one-seven-hundred-fiftieth the number of an Letters in the Longest English Word
The count of an Letters in the Longest English Word is about 189,819.
It's about one-two-thousand-five-hundredth the number of Words in War and Peace
The count of Words in War and Peace is about 587,287.
(1869) (1968 Ann Dunnigan translation, New American Library)
First published in 1869, Leo Tolstoy\'s Tzarist Russian epic, War and Peace contains 587,287 words (in one of the popular English translations). The novel is the seventh-longest novel ever written in a Latin or Cyrillic alphabets.
It's about one-three-thousandth the number of Movies in the IMDb Catalog
The count of Movies in the IMDb Catalog is about 685,051.
(2024 figures) (feature movies only) (a.k.a. The Internet Movie Database)
IMDb, the Internet Movie Database, catalogs 685,051 movie titles as of July, 2024. IMDb began as a set of fan lists in the early 1990's and today contains a catalog totaling over 10.1 million items.
It's about one-ten-thousandth the number of ATMs in the World
The count of ATMs in the World is about 3,000,000.
(2015 figures) (approximate)
There are approximately 3 million ATMs in the world, including sites in Antarctica, cruise ships, US Navy ships, and Tibet. ATM's typically hold between $20,000 and $100,000, depending on the size of the crowds where they're located.
It's about one-seventy-five-thousandth the number of VIsitors to Walt Disney World Each Year

The count of VIsitors to Walt Disney World Each Year is about 18,588,000.
(a.k.a. Walk Disney World Resort, a.k.a. Walt Disney World, a.k.a. WDW) (Lake Buena Vista and Bay Lake, Florida) (2013 figures) (for The Magic Kingdom; approximate; annual attendance totals)
Each year, Walt Disney World, Florida attracts 18,588,000 visitors. Disney World employees over people and is the largest single-site employer in the United States.
It's about one-ninety-five-thousandth the number of Books in the US Library of Congress (2013)

The count of Books in the US Library of Congress (2013) is about 23,592,066.
(2013 figures) (total of books only)
As of September, 2013, The Library of Congress had 23,592,066 books in its catalog and a total of 158,007,115 physical items.
It's about one-one-hundred-fifty-thousandth the number of people in The State of California

The count of people in The State of California is about 38,340,000.
(2014 figures) (Department of Finance estimate)
California, the most populous state in the United States, is home to 38,340,000 people (larger than the population of the entire country of Canada, with 35,540,419 people). Over ten percent of the population — 3,904,657 people — reside in the city of Los Angeles.