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How much is 808.1?
It's about the number of Kernels on an Ear of Corn
The count of Kernels on an Ear of Corn is about 800.
(Corn, a.k.a. Maize; Kernel a.k.a. Seed) (average) (for Dent Corn, a.k.a. field corn)
An average ear of dent corn, the kind grown to feed to animals and to make other foods, has an average of 800 kernels. Each acre of corn yields about 15,900 ears of corn.
It's about the number of Population of Vatican City
Flag of Vatican
The count of Population of Vatican City is about 842.
(a.k.a. Vatican City State, a.k.a. Stato della Città del Vaticano, a.k.a. Status Civitatis Vaticanae) (Rome, Italy) (2014 estimates; permanent residents only)
Vatican City, the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, is the smallest internationally recognized state in the world, with a population of just 842 people (according to a 2004 estimate). Each year, approximately 18 million tourists visit The City.
It's about one-and-one-tenth times the number of Inductees in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
The count of Inductees in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is about 749.
(November, 2015 figures) (including individuals and groups)
As of November, 2015, there were 749 individuals in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Artists and bands must have had at least 25 years of fame before being considered for induction in the Hall.
It's about one-and-one-fifth times the number of Members of Parliament (The U.K.)
Flag of The UK
The count of Members of Parliament (The U.K.) is about 650.
(a.k.a. MPs) (2016 figures) (formally "Members of the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland")
There are 650 Members of Parliament in the U.K. The Commons Chamber in the Palace of Westminster only has seating for 427 members, so those arriving late to House debates must stay standing.
It's about one-and-three-fifths times the number of Stores in the Mall of America
Flag of The US
The count of Stores in the Mall of America is about 520.
(a.k.a. MOA, a.k.a. MoA, a.k.a. Megamall) (Bloomington, Minnesota) (2015 figures) (approximate)
Minnesota's Mall of America is home to 520 stores and attractions, including a wedding chapel, aquarium, and amusement park. Each year, an estimated 42 million people visit The Mall.
It's about half the number of Golf Courses in Florida
Flag of The US
The count of Golf Courses in Florida is about 1,518.
(2016 figures) (public and private)
The US state of Florida includes 1,518 golf courses in its 170,000 sq. km area. The state is also the home of the headquarters of the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) of America, which boasts a membership of 28,000 professional golfers.
It's about two-and-a-half times the number of Sesame Seeds on a Big Mac bun
The count of Sesame Seeds on a Big Mac bun is about 350.
(McDonald's sandwich; approximate figures)
Each McDonald's Big Mac crown bun contains about 350 sesame seeds. McDonald's serves about 1.57 million Big Macs to its customers each day.
It's about two-and-a-half times the number of a Manned Flights to Space
The count of a Manned Flights to Space is about 312.
(2016 figures) (flights with at least 80km altitude; US, Russia, the Soviet Union, and China)
Since the flight of the Vostok 1 in April, 1961, there have been a total of 312 manned spaceflights under the American, Russian, Soviet, and Chinese space programs. Furthermore, the space programs of the US, Russia, the Soviet Union, France, Argentina, and Iran have launched a total 32 monkeys (specifically rhesus, cynomolgus, and squirrel monkeys, macaques, chimpanzees) into space.
It's about two-fifths the number of Steps in the Sears Tower
Flag of The US
The count of Steps in the Sears Tower is about 2,109.
(a.k.a. Willis Tower) (Chicago, Illinois) (steps per stairwell)
The Sears Tower extends 108 stories into the sky above the city of Chicago and includes 2,109 steps in each of its stairwells. Each year, more than 1.3 million visitors make the trip to an observation area called the Skydeck on the 103rd floor.
It's about two-fifths the number of Daily Newspapers in Circulation Worldwide
The count of Daily Newspapers in Circulation Worldwide is about 2,111.
(2013 figures) (regional and local, plus national figures; paid only)
There are 2,111 paid, daily newspapers with a regional, local, or national distribution in circulation worldwide. Combined, these newspapers have a readership of about 150 million people.
It's about two-and-a-half times the number of Beatles Songs
The count of Beatles Songs is about 309.
(a.k.a. The Beatles) (1958 thru 1996)
On a total of 58 albums, the Beatles recorded 309 songs during their performing career (with three of the songs released only on post-breakup Anthology albums after 1970). Of their catalog, a total of thirteen songs were number-one chart hits in both the US and the UK.
It's about three times the number of Professional Baseball Teams in the United States
Flag of The US
The count of Professional Baseball Teams in the United States is about 276.
(2016 figures) (includes Major, Minor, and Independent Leagues)
Nicknamed "America's pastime," there are 276 professional baseball teams in the United States (across all levels of play). Major League Baseball — the league with the highest level of professional play — drew more than 74 million spectators at gmes in 2013.
It's about three times the number of Words in the Gettysburg Address
The count of Words in the Gettysburg Address is about 272.
(Bliss text)
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, delivered November 19, 1863, at the postwar dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, lasted just over two minutes and contained an estimated (the exact wording of the original speech is disputed) 272 words. Lincoln wrote five (5) drafts of the speech, which are known today by the last names of the original recipients.
It's about three times the number of Vertebrae in a Snake's Body
The count of Vertebrae in a Snake's Body is about 300.
(Serpentes) (Approximate)
Most snakes have 300 or more vertebrae, sometimes as many as 400. There are over 3,400 distinct species of snakes in the world.
It's about four times the number of Bones in the Human Body
The count of Bones in the Human Body is about 206.
(adult, excluding sesamoid bones and ossicles)
The adult human body contains 206 bones. A newborn's body contains more bones — 270 — with unfused bone segments in the legs, arms, head, and face.
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